Thanks for your support of LC3!
Our purpose is to creatively inspire change and contribute to others. Our dream is to assist Common Ground Lower 9th Ward Health Clinic become a reality. Fundraising Goal: $30, 000 by June 17, 2006.
$0 |
$30K!!! |
$30,000 |
Dear LC3ers,
This is absolutely amazing news!!! The other day when Jim Kindy told me he thought you all were approachingthe goal, I was actually speachless. This, coupled with the progress on the clinic construction is mind-boggling. I can't thank you all enough or find the words to express what this is going to mean to thecommunity. We will literally be able to provide medical care to thousands of families that have no access at all to even basic services.
After having been in New Orleans for the past six months doing this work, I can't even begin to tell you what an uplifting thing this is to me personally.
Thank you!
In love and service,
Michelle Shin
-BartI have attached an idea for a name and/or logo for our Portland LP group that could be used on the T-shirt, in a brochure, on our blog, in our fundraising letters, etc. I am asking that you to take a look, make a suggestion or alternative idea and to align to one possibility by 8 p.m. PST on Friday, May 12. I see this as a beginning and ask that those with further creativity freely contribute to a name option.
Wow, another incredible day today. I attended a business lunch with eight people today, most all from my office. Before I even mentioned anything, one of the gals asked to speak to me after lunch regarding my project. One thing led to another and we were all talking about it and I shared my goal of raising $1,000 between now and then and how I have broken it down to $5 contributions from five people every day. The dollar bills started flying across the table. As I checked out at the register and was noting who contributed what the waitress asked what my project and fundraising was for. Upon hearing my story she gave me $2 from her tip money. Yikes, I just realized I forgot to leave my own tip! Anyways, the gal that breached the subject suggested she may contribute $500.-Debbie
By the end of the day, I saw that I was $3 short of my daily goal. I went looking to see who was still in the office. One of the guys I had lunch with ripped out a $20 and gave it to me. I told him I would get him a receipt and he said not to waste my time dealing with that, instead to use my time and energy to get more contributions.
I am absolutely on fire with excitement, passion and goose bumps. I never in my wildest dreams imagined the engagement I am creating through this project.
I reviewed my notes from weekend one at LP. I noticed all the self-limiting beliefs and lack of self-worth that I came with. I looked at my list of attributes that I want others to see in me. What I see is that coming from a place of service with such intense energy, passion and excitement that I have moved over to the side of how I want others to see me. In other words, my servant actions have allowed me to see myself as the leader I am. Coming from a servant roll, focusing on serving others, suddenly I see how into “me” I have been and what a road block it has been for me. I can now see how my actions and thoughts were continually keeping myself in that downward spiral. What a learning experience! I’m so excited! It feels so good to be coming out of the drift!
I have a reflection for this thread.-Jim K.
Last Thursday I sat down to discuss our stay in New Orleans with 2 of the carpenter contractors who had committed to help me build the medical clinic. To my dismay they informed me that they would not be able to go do to circumstances. I was devastated and very depressed. My thought at that moment was "how can I get this clinic built without some skilled helpers"? After stewing in my self pity and anger for quite awhile, I suddenly remembered something my brother Skip tells me. "Well that didn't work, what might work? In other words from such a huge breakdown, what are the possibilities that could arise?
At this point I started to ask myself, who else might I recruit from here? Then I thought, we'll I'm from MN, who could I recruit from there? I realized I didn't know anyone else that I could trust.
As I was discussing this with my girlfriend and telling her what had happened and I had no idea of any other possibilities, she looked at me and said "well I don't know why your trying to recruit anyone from here anyways, you should try and recruit in New Orleans where they live in the disaster".
When she said this, it was if a light bulb went off in my head. I looked at her and said "your absolutely right, that is what I am going to do". And I realized, this was the possibility I was looking for. I then proceeded to write a letter of our project, found a website that listed skilled trades in New Orleans and e-mailed about 100 e-mails out.
I won't go into all the details, however from doing this, realizing a breakdown then a new possibility, acting on it, we now have many contractors to help us on our project. This all happened in a few short days. I am now more excited than ever, to see all the caring and passion with everyone I've talked to in New Orleans.
Doug, I wanted to share my personal experiences. First of you. My experience of you was a gentle man with a huge heart and with a magnificent goal of improving the world around him and his clients, two-legged and four-legged (and snakes without legs I suppose). I sense an urgency you have about that and I have made two contacts with the other vet I mentioned and trust that as a fellow jouneyperson with me that she will contact you soon.-Paul
My experience of myself, not just about this particular chapter that is the Leadership Program, but what I have experienced since I got involved with the seminars, staffing and the schools since 2002 is that BEING in it makes my energy level rise and my desire to serve greater and clearly improves my attitude. It runs over into my participation with people here...at work, at home and just generally in the world.
I am requesting that you look at the possibilities that being a part of the service project, in any manner you choose to participate, that can open for you. As you see fit.
Best wishes.
Ok Team!...
I've had some creative juices flowing, after connecting with Debbie this evening and getting up to speed on the fundraising call earlier today...
T-shirts are awesome and I thought "Why not us?". So, to the drawing (computer) board I went... I've attached a word document with an idea for a T-shirt print. Certainly doesn't have to be THE one and any/all feedback is appreciated!I am going to place a call on Monday and see what the possibilities are to get a logo for Common Grounds that may be placed on one of the sleeves or front.
Anyone have thoughts on what we want to call our group? Are we "Portland LP"? or are there some other ideas out there? My request is to hear from YOU! In the words of Debbie "I'm So Excited!!"...are you? Feedback please!!
P.S. Let me know if I have incorrect state, or name spelling (want a different name denoted?), etc.
To everyone
I am very pleased to see the responses from so many people that want to join together in the Common Grounds building project.
I am writing this post to make myself very clear. I plan to be going to New Orleans and working on the medical clinic no matter what.
I think we should all keep in mind the principles of accomplishment that we heard in Portland. Making a commitment to having it happen vs. how it will happen (page 1-15). So what I'm asking for on this thread is for people to be clear about their commitment to making it happen vs. talking about how it's going to happen. The how comes later.
Your friend
And a little picture to remind you (as if you needed reminding) what he looks like...May 26, 2006
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is to verify that national television personality CARTER OOSTERHOUSE (NBC's Today show, TLC's Trading Spaces, NBC's Three Wishes) is delighted to lend his name, likeness and time to Leaders Creating Change through Contribution (LC3). Carter is scheduled to personally be on hand for the rebuilding of Common Ground - a free medical clinic in the lower 9th ward of New Orleans. Common Ground is a (501) Non-profit corporation 91-2114465.
Steve Rohr
Publicist for Carter Oosterhouse