
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Birth of the Shirts

The following excerpt was pulled from the LC3 online bulletin board:
Ok Team!...

I've had some creative juices flowing, after connecting with Debbie this evening and getting up to speed on the fundraising call earlier today...

T-shirts are awesome and I thought "Why not us?". So, to the drawing (computer) board I went... I've attached a word document with an idea for a T-shirt print. Certainly doesn't have to be THE one and any/all feedback is appreciated!I am going to place a call on Monday and see what the possibilities are to get a logo for Common Grounds that may be placed on one of the sleeves or front.

Anyone have thoughts on what we want to call our group? Are we "Portland LP"? or are there some other ideas out there? My request is to hear from YOU! In the words of Debbie "I'm So Excited!!"...are you? Feedback please!!


P.S. Let me know if I have incorrect state, or name spelling (want a different name denoted?), etc.

05/08/2006 @ 2:53 am